A joyous week

A joyous and hopeful entry into the Diocese. Once again, I want to thank each and every one of you for a blessed consecration; words are cheap substitutes for my gratitude. I will attempt to show it each day. Thank you. We began this journey on Monday sprinting and had not stopped. Planning is underway for the pilgrimage where I will visit all our churches (separate from official visitations) with the intent of listening and serving. The second initiative is reading the Bible every day as a diocesan community. You will find out more about reading the Bible effort in the coming weeks. We are reorganizing the date and time of staff meetings (Tuesday’s). We will also have as a Morning Prayer on Monday and Friday and the Holy Eucharist on Tuesday through Thursday. I am learning more and more about the dedication, hard work and faithfulness of the Diocesan staff. This week when one of our parishes did not have air conditioners, Canon ...