Come and See Pilgrimage. Week 4 Part 2. Andalusia to Bristol and then to St. James
Come and See the Diocese of Pennsylvania… (PS. Don't forget to "like" each of these churches on Facebook and follow on Twitter. Our Come and See Diocese is life giving and transformative. I cannot explain how blessed that I am to be serving you as your Bishop. As mentioned last week, the blog post is the second in the series from Week 4. I included a link that was highlighted in part one and find it is an important reminder for every church. http:// The Great Commission is to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Jesus sent people out into the world to do just that, and we are to teach what Jesus has taught. It is important to remember that we are the vehicles in the 21st Century. This is our Great Commission and to know that Jesus is with us always. My ...