Playing Chess instead of Checkers. Contemplation, reflection and my Episcopacy.

This is on my desk to remind me. We must know spiritual things spiritually. —1 Corinthians 2: 13 This past week a Priest kindly approached me. “Bishop, can I say something in love, truth, and respect?” I responded, “Yes, of course.” The Priest continued “We love you. There are many of us who worried that you are working too hard. Significant work has been accomplished during your first six months, but we do not want you to be overwhelmed with work and kill yourself.” I thanked the Priest, smiled, and we began the conversation. I described how God has a way of speaking to the heart, continually reaffirming through people and places what I experienced and learned in prayer. How two events over the last month led me to a healthy, transformative and holy place. This holy place is the urging to be “Daniel” and live into the question “What is God calling me to do as your Bishop?” The first sacred...