Come and See Pilgrimage - Holy Apostles and the Mediator
My brothers and sisters, I am writing about the pilgrimage one church at a time. I do so to remain current (albeit a few months behind) with the pilgrimage. This week we are sharing Holy Apostles and the Mediator. The Come and See pilgrimage continues with visits to our congregations in the heart of Philadelphia. West Philadelphia, the University of Pennsylvania, and near City Line Avenue. Our churches (Holy Apostles, St. Mary's and St. Thomas) are integral to our diocese and important to the people seeking Christ. I see the joy in their faces and the hope they espouse. Each day that I am in our Diocese, I cannot believe how fortunate I am to be in this place and at this time. Over time, you will hear me saying that I pray that my Episcopacy will be formed around prayer, proclamation, and peace. The churches visited are proclaiming the good news of our Lord, and I can feel the Kingdom surrounding these places of worsh...