
Showing posts from 2019

Feast of St. Simon and St. Jude

St. Simon and St. Jude led ordinary lives and were chosen by Jesus to “follow him” and to teach others about God’s love. Ordinary people who were asked to go out into the world and to “make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). Their lives help us understand the depth of discipleship when we decide to follow Jesus.  St. Simon was often called “the Zealot.” In Matthew and Mark, Simon is referred to as the Cananean. Luke calls him the Zealot, perhaps due to his zeal in upholding the Law, or maybe he was a member of the radical Jewish sect so named. This designation helped to distinguish him from fellow Apostle, Simon Peter. In Simon’s case, he firmly believed in the importance of people following Jewish law. Once St. Simon met Jesus, his life changed and was convinced that the most important thing was to follow Jesus. After Pentecost, he was sent out made disciples throughout the regions. He preached in Egypt and then to have joined St. Jude in Persia.  He was ...

Locked Doors or a Sacred Opening.

Last week we were walking through the new diocesan offices. That day was one of constant and chaotic activity. A reported fire near the Courthouse necessitated the closure of the surrounding streets. Delivery vans rerouted, construction crews moved through the buildings, public safety personnel directed traffic, and government workers stood outside waiting for instructions.  Amidst the clamor, in a sacred space of recognition, two women reminded me of the importance of the Church. The Church not only a building or a brief interlude on a Sunday morning.  The Church, our Church as a home, a place of belonging, a locus for transcendence, a peaceful and meaningful resting stop on this holy pilgrimage called life. The Church as the living Body of Christ.  St. John’s Church is adjacent to the new diocesan offices and was closed in 2015. Two years ago, the diocese took a chance, and we unlocked the doors and reopened with an emphasis on outreach and engagement. Last...

The Holy Moment

When I pray, when I pray deeply, I move through the day as if every step is a constant prayer. I am always aware of the power of the sacred present. Unfortunately, I am often caught in the "busyness" of daily life. I think of the past or look to the future.  Yet, our hearts need those holy encounters where we step into those spaces of transformation. Recently, God's hand gently redirected my being to that place. I hold weekly office hours out in our churches.   We encourage anyone to come in and meet with their diocesan staff or me.  We begin with the Eucharist or Morning Prayer. On this day, I was a bit hurried and headed straight for the chapel. As I entered, I was handed a long list of the meetings. I began reviewing the day ahead.  Inside the small chapel were 13 people. I moved a chair, so I was seated close to those in attendance. Seated directly in front of me were a young man and woman in their early twenties. It was apparent they were not fami...


On this day of sacred remembrance, let us as a people pray for peace, light and goodness. We are resolute in the knowing the Risen Christ is present. That we all may be one.

Via Dolorosa, Tour of the Dome of the Rock, Relationship, Back Home.

My sisters and brothers, I returned from the Anglican Communion Pilgrimage late yesterday. This pilgrimage and every pilgrimage has the real possibility of transformation and encountering the holy. I can share that once again, the impact was moving and deeply spiritual.  For this reason, I have made the pilgrimage an essential part of my Episcopacy. Thus, the reason for the first pilgrimage to all the churches during my first months in 2016. The naming of the diocesan magazine as “Camino - Our Road Together.”  Pilgrimage is not only to the Holy Land, or on the Camino to Santiago in Spain. Pilgrimage can be in our Diocese or the walk with one another as a diocesan family of believers. The spiritual purpose of a pilgrimage is to somehow transcend our human knowing and experience God in new and unexpected ways. You are transformed spiritually and physically.  In much the same way, pilgrimage connects you with your fellow pilgrims; ...

Unity - Anglican Communion Pilgrimage (Days 3 & 4)

Good and blessed morning. This will be a long post so please take your time.  It is 3:30 a.m in Nazareth as I continue the Anglican Communion pilgrimage. The Holy Land awakens hearts and minds to the presence of Jesus Christ, and it is often beyond description.  As I mentioned in my last post, our schedule is long and detailed. The day usually begins at 5:45 a.m. and continues until at 9:30 p.m. Prayer, briefings and in-depth discussions frame the themes of the 2020 Lambeth Conference. While out in the Holy Land, we center our work on the sacred sites and discuss scripture at each of the sites. Throughout my ministry, I have attempted to emphasize the importance of relationship building. While not always successful due to my own ego, false assumptions, and constant failures, I strive to know people on a deeply personal level. I pray to see all people as God’s beloved. During this pilgrimage, I have come to know my fellow pilgrims on ...

The Anglican Communion Pilgrimage (Days 1 & 2)

I use this image of the lamp in the room where St. Jerome wrote the translation of the bible. It represents who we are as the Anglican Communion. All different pieces bound together and the light in the center is Jesus Christ. It is the light of Christ shining through each one of us, that allows the darkness to recede. Due to the extensive work during this pilgrimage, I may not have the opportunity to share as much as during the diocesan pilgrimage. I will make every effort during those brief free periods to update on the work we are called to undertake. The Secretary-General of the Anglican Communion invited me on this pilgrimage in preparation for Lambeth in July of 2020. I am the only Bishop from the United States and the Episcopal Church. I have been moved by the depth of relationship building during my short time here. I am surprised by the thoughtful questions and sincere desire to learn about the Episcopal Church and our country by our sister and brother Archbisho...