I wait for my phone to ring

I keep looking at my phone, waiting for it to ring. Last week I was late and traveling on one of the busy streets on the Main Line. Now, if you are not from Philadelphia, the Main Line is the geographic designation for a series of Philadelphia suburbs. Google the term Philadelphia Main Line, and you will get a good history. Many do not believe that poverty exists in the Main Line, or at least it is not visible. It was about 4:00 pm, and I decided to take a shortcut behind a Wawa (Non-Philadelphians - google that also) adjacent to a strip mall. Navigating through the packed alley, I noticed a woman jumping out of a trash bin. In her hands were two loaves of bread, and standing next to the container were two young children. Perhaps 4 and 6. A boy and a girl. The mother had a smile on her face as she landed on the ground. The children looked at her with a sense of awe. At that moment, all these thoughts were running through my head. Why was she...