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In our Daily Office reading today (Acts 9:10-19), Our Lord speaks to Ananias, who responds, “Here I am Lord.” Our Lord tells him to go to a man named Saul, who is at that moment praying. Ananias is taken aback. This Saul is not a very good guy.  

Ananias trusts the Lord. He goes, lays hands upon Saul, and Saul has a new vision. He is baptized, and that one act, that one moment, continues throughout history. All because Ananias listened to the Lord and acted. 

There is someone who is now praying that someone, someone, will bring them a message of love and hope. Will you be revolutionary and act on that divine voice speaking to your soul? Take a chance, be daring, and share the love of Christ today. Don’t be afraid. Christ is with you always. Share it. 

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